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A Cup of Culture: How Professor Katharine Burnett is Changing the Way We View Tea

In exploring the rich tapestry of global cultures, few elements weave as intricate a story as tea. Tracing the spread of tea culture offers a unique lens for art historian Katharine Burnett, professor and co-chair in the Department of Art and Art History, to explore the complex interplay of tradition, globalization, and identity. Burnett’s fascination with tea inspired her to launch UC Davis’s Global Tea Institute for the Study of Tea Culture and Science, which delves into both the cultural and scientific aspects of tea.

From the Stage to the Page

Professor Emerita Halifu Osumare returns to campus this month to read from and celebrate her new memoir, "Dancing the Afrofuture: Hula, Hip-Hop and the Dunham Legacy," with the UC Davis Department of African American and African Studies.

Physicists Expand Equation of State for Fermi-Hubbard Model

In new research appearing in Physical Review Letters, an international research team, including UC Davis physicists, has expanded the Fermi-Hubbard model, allowing for a more detailed exploration of materials and their properties. In the study, the researchers measured the equation of state for Ytterbium atoms in an optical lattice. Specifically, they used the fermionic isotope 173Yb, which is a metallic element with atoms that can adopt six possible states.

Slimming Down a Colossal Fossil Whale

A 30 million year-old fossil whale may not be the heaviest animal of all time after all, according to a new analysis by paleontologists at UC Davis and the Smithsonian Institution. The new analysis puts Perucetus colossus back in the same weight range as modern whales and smaller than the largest blue whales ever recorded. The work is published Feb. 29 in PeerJ.

UC Davis Latinx Faculty and Alumni Night Open to Community

The Hispanic-Serving Institution Community Council and Dean Estella Atekwana of the UC Davis College of Letters and Science will be meeting Latinx faculty, alumni and communities from the surrounding areas in a celebration at Historic Hotel Woodland on March 6.

From the Land to the Sea: Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Ryosuke Motani to Share Paleobiology Research Across Nation

We live in a geometric world. From the rectangular skylines of our cities and the orbiting planets of our solar system to the symmetry of butterfly wings and the spiraling double helix of DNA, every shape has its place. 

For as long as he can remember, Ryosuke Motani has been fascinated by shapes. And he’s built an illustrious paleobiology career studying them.